What Should You Not Use In A Logo

What Should You Not Use In A Logo?

If there’s one thing that can set a business apart from the competition, it’s their logo. It’s often the first thing potential customers will see and remember when they think of your brand – so it’s essential to get it right! But what should you avoid when designing a logo? This article dives into this question and reveals what not to use in your logo if you want to stand out from the crowd.

Logos are like visual signatures for businesses; they represent everything about them all at once through simple shapes and colors. A successful logo is memorable, recognizable, consistent with the company’s identity and conveys its message clearly. However, creating an effective design isn’t always easy – knowing which elements work well together can be tricky. To ensure that your logo stands out among others, there are certain things you should never include in your design.

From clichéd symbols to overused typefaces, having even just one of these elements in your logo could make it look generic or dated – resulting in lost opportunities for your business. We’ll dive deeper into why each element has no place in logos and provide tips on how to create something unique instead. Keep reading to learn more about what not to use in a logo!

Elements To Avoid


When designing a logo, it’s essential to stay away from certain elements that can make the design look cluttered and tacky. Overused symbols and images should be avoided at all costs, as they may create copyright issues or simply lack originality. Furthermore, an unreadable font is a huge no-no because it defeats the purpose of having a logo in the first place.

Including too many colors or effects can also ruin your logo’s overall aesthetic. Therefore, it’s best to keep things simple by sticking with two or three shades so that your logo doesn’t appear overwhelming or chaotic. Additionally, always remember to choose fonts wisely and steer clear of any overly ornate text styles – otherwise you risk making your brand unrecognizable!

Overall, developing an effective logo requires creativity and finesse; if done right, it could become a lasting representation of your business. So when creating yours, make sure to avoid these common pitfalls for maximum success!

Color Choices


As if an epiphany of color had just been revealed, it’s time to consider the importance of a proper color palette for your logo. There are several elements that should be avoided when creating a logo – from outdated fonts to cliche shapes and images – but one key element is often overlooked: color choices. A great color scheme can make or break a design, so it’s important to select hues that work together harmoniously in order to get the most out of a logo. Here are four tips for choosing complementary colors and getting the right hue selection for your logo:

  1. Start with vibrant colors – Color psychology plays an important role in successful logos, so choose tones that evoke certain feelings like warmth, trustworthiness, happiness etc.
  2. Choose contrasting yet complimentary shades – Picking two opposite sides of the same spectrum (i.e., dark & light versions of blue) will create contrast which is visually appealing and attention-grabbing.
  3. Keep your audience in mind – When selecting colors think about how they might look on different types of screens and devices, as well as who you’re targeting with this design; warm or cool? Neutral or bright?
  4. Limit yourself to 2-3 main colors– Too many colors can overwhelm viewers, making them feel lost rather than inspired by your artwork; stick to a handful of shades at most! In summary, carefully selecting hues for your logo is essential for its success; going beyond basic black & white gets tricky quickly but understanding the basics allows you to explore creative combinations without straying too far away from what looks best overall!

Fonts And Typography


Choosing the right font is one of the most important decisions when designing a logo. Fonts and typography are essential elements that help convey your brand’s message, so it’s important to select them wisely.

Font SelectionText Styling
DisplaySmall caps

When selecting fonts, consider serif and sans-serif styles as well as monospace or display types. It’s also helpful to think about how you’ll use text styling such as italics, bolding, underlining or small capitals in order to make certain words stand out. To find the perfect balance between legibility and aesthetics, experiment with different combinations until you’re happy with what you see!

Your logo should be timeless and memorable. Therefore, don’t forget to pay attention to the details like font selection and text format when creating your design. With careful consideration of these key elements, you can create an impactful logo that won’t go unnoticed by your audience.

Images And Icons


When creating a logo, fonts and typography are essential elements to consider. But images and icons are just as important for conveying the desired meaning behind your brand identity. Iconography can help make a logo stand out through its graphical elements that draw attention from potential customers. Vector elements or stock images can be used in combination with unique font choices to create an eye-catching logo design that is both captivating and memorable.

To ensure they don’t detract from the overall aesthetic of a logo, it’s wise to avoid using certain graphical elements such as clip art, cheesy imagery, or overly generic symbols. These may look cheap or unprofessional which could send the wrong message about your business. Graphic design should always remain consistent throughout all visual materials related to your company – logos included – so you want to make sure you use only high-quality visuals when representing your brand image.

It’s important to choose meaningful iconography when crafting a logo because this will give viewers an idea of what kind of services or products you provide without having to explain too much textual detail. The icons and graphics chosen should also reflect any core values associated with your company so that people easily recognize who you are and what you represent in one glance. Whether it’s shapes, patterns, illustrations, photos, or other graphic elements – carefully considering these aspects beforehand can result in an effective and successful corporate symbol for years to come.

Text Restrictions


When creating a logo, it’s important to pay attention to the text restrictions. The length of the logo text should be kept short and concise; no more than two words are ideal. Text alignment is just as crucial – make sure that all of your letters in the logo have equal spacing between them for symmetry and balance.

Text placement also matters when crafting a unique logo. Keep in mind where you will position the text within the design so that it stands out against any background images or colors used. It’s essential to consider how legible this positioning makes your logo because if others can’t read the text, then what good does it do?

Last but not least, don’t forget about styling the font! Make sure there is enough contrast between your chosen color scheme and typeface so that your branding message is clear and visible at first glance. Bolding certain words can add emphasis on specific parts of your text while italicizing other words creates an eye-catching effect. Experiment with size, weight, and letter height until you find something that elevates your brand image perfectly.

Designing logos requires careful thought put into every aspect – including text restrictions – to ensure maximum impact from its final look.



To ensure a successful logo design, it is important to be mindful of complexity. Too much can overwhelm viewers and detract from the visual branding that logos are meant to provide. Here we will explore what elements should not be used in logo designs for maximum brand recognition:

  • Colors: Bright colors or too many different shades may compete with each other, causing confusion for viewers and making it difficult for them to recognize your brand identity. It is best to limit the number of colors you use and opt for more neutral tones instead.
  • Images: Images should only be used if they directly relate to your business’s mission statement or story. Avoid including complex graphics as they can make your logo appear cluttered and hard to read.
  • Text: Text should only be used when absolutely necessary – otherwise it can take away from the impact of the actual image itself. Stick with short phrases or words that accurately describe your message without taking up too much space on the page.

Overall, simplicity is key when creating a logo design. Keeping things clear and concise will help ensure that viewers remember your brand while also recognizing its unique identity. By avoiding overly-complex visuals, you can create an effective visual branding strategy that resonates with potential customers and helps build customer loyalty over time.



Creating a logo that stands out and captures the attention of an audience requires understanding how to use abstraction principles. Abstract logo design is all about taking elements from reality and breaking them down into simpler forms, allowing for more creative interpretations. With the right techniques, you can create an abstract logo with surprising results.

Logo abstraction begins by selecting graphic elements that represent your brand message or identity. These could be shapes, symbols, colors, typefaces, etc., but they should also reflect what you want to communicate through your logo. Once these visual elements have been chosen, it’s time to start experimenting with different combinations and approaches in order to achieve the desired effect. A good starting point is to keep it simple; try playing around with basic geometric shapes like circles, rectangles and triangles – this will help you get a better feel for how certain compositions work together before moving onto more complex designs.

By mastering some key concepts such as balance and contrast between elements, clever usage of negative space, color theory and typography rules, one can come up with abstract logos that are both eye-catching and captivating – making them unforgettable! Logo abstraction examples abound online so take advantage of these resources to gain inspiration for your own project. Abstraction is a powerful tool when used correctly; combine its power with thoughtful planning and skillful execution and you’ll soon find yourself creating remarkable logos each time!


When it comes to creating logos, one must always be mindful of the impact of clichés. Lazy and boring cliché designs can quickly make a logo look outdated or unoriginal – something you want to avoid at all costs. To take your design process up a notch, consider incorporating some level of abstraction instead of relying on tired and overused visual tropes.

Lazy ClichésBoring ClichésOverused Clichés
Light BulbsGlobe ShapesSpeech Bubbles
Magnifying GlassesStars & StripesArrows
AnvilsEaglesGear Wheels

Tired clichés like light bulbs, magnifying glasses, anvils, globe shapes, stars & stripes and speech bubbles are often seen in logo designs that aim for quick success but lack innovation. Furthermore, arrows, eagles and gear wheels continue to be popular choices amongst novice designers due to their simplicity yet they fail to capture people’s attention as these visuals have been used time and time again. Therefore when designing a logo, stay away from such obvious ‘go-to’ elements which will only bring down the appeal of your brand identity. Instead find ways to use subtle motifs that reflect your company values while still being unique enough to stand out amidst competitors. This is where abstraction really helps enhance creativity by allowing new ideas to come alive without having to rely too much on dated visual cues!



When it comes to logos, over-customization can be a major design limitation. It’s important to ensure that your logo is not only unique and creative but also adheres to the regulations of your brand identity. Trying too hard to stand out from the competition can often result in an inconsistent visual image and weaken the overall impact of your brand identity.

It’s crucial for any logo designer to understand the boundaries between being creative and pushing through with unnecessary customization. An effective logo should remain true to its purpose – representing a business or organization by connecting with customers on an emotional level. The key lies in finding a balance between uniqueness and consistency – making sure that each element within the logo communicates clearly what you want it to say about your company.

Logo designs must always serve their main purpose – helping businesses create memorable identities that are recognizable across different platforms without compromising on quality or branding standards. Striking this balance requires skillful creativity and understanding of both design limitations and possible outcomes of excessive customizations.

Excessive Detail


When striving to create a logo that stands out, it is important to understand what not to include. Too much detail can be an issue when designing logos; the design must be concise and impactful in order for its message to resonate with viewers. Excessive detail can often crowd or clutter a logo, making it overwhelming or unappealing. Using too many elements within one logo can lead to confusion as well, leading away from the desired effect of clarity and organization.

In addition to confusion, overly detailed logos may become outdated quickly due to their complexity and overuse of ornamental flourishes. A simple logo can stand the test of time more easily than something laden with extraneous decoration. To capture attention without being lost in unnecessary details, a designer should focus on iconic symbols combined with quality typography that express the brand’s identity succinctly and effectively.

It is best practice for designers then to pare down their designs – stripping away any excessive ornamentation while focusing mainly on quality graphics and minimalistic text that reflect the company’s mission statement and core values. Doing so will help ensure logos have staying power in an ever-changing world, delivering a clear message without becoming mired by overdone detail.

Frequently Asked Questions


Choosing the best logo format for your brand is a crucial decision. It will affect how potential customers view the quality of your graphic design and branding elements, as well as influence how easily they can recognize you in a crowded market. The right file type should be selected to ensure that all design elements appear crisp and sharp no matter what platform they’re viewed on.

When it comes to finding the perfect logo format, there are several options available. Vector files such as .eps or .ai offer high-quality images that scale up or down without losing any detail; this makes them ideal for larger print projects like billboards or posters. Alternatively, JPEGs are useful when creating small logos with fewer details because their smaller size helps preserve load times online. PNG files provide an optimal balance between resolution and file size, making them suitable for most websites and social media profiles.

No matter which option you choose, make sure to include Pantone colours if possible – these help maintain colour integrity across different platforms – but also consider using CMYK values so your logo looks equally good both digitally and in print. Taking the time to select the correct file type and colour profile upfront will save plenty of headaches later on!

Logo size is a major consideration when designing a logo. Understanding the restrictions and guidelines for logo size can help ensure that your design looks professional and stands out from the crowd. Logo sizes have limits, regulations, criteria, and guidelines which must be followed to get the most effective result.

When it comes to logo size, there are a few key things you need to consider. First, how large or small should your logo be? This largely depends on where you plan on using your logo – digital media or print materials require different sizing specs. Second, what kind of image resolution will work best for your project? A higher resolution ensures finer details in larger formats but may come at the cost of slower loading times online. Thirdly, what shape works best for your brand identity? Square logos tend to look modern while circular logos provide more room for creative expression and branding elements.

Whatever direction you choose to take with your logo’s size requirements, make sure that they remain consistent across all platforms where they appear. Keeping up-to-date with ever-changing industry standards can also be helpful in ensuring maximum visibility and impact within your target market. Think outside the box when it comes to logo size; if done right, pushing boundaries could yield remarkable results!

Creating a logo is an important step in establishing brand recognition and building consumer trust. It’s critical to be mindful of intellectual property rights when designing a logo, as copyright considerations must always be taken into account.

When creating your own logo, it’s best to avoid using copyrighted images or content without permission from the original owner. If this isn’t possible, investigate Creative Commons licenses for artwork that you can legally use. You should also consider trademark restrictions on certain symbols or designs which could prevent your company from registering its own logo or create confusion among customers regarding the origin of products associated with your logo design.

It’s essential to ensure that your chosen logo doesn’t infringe upon another person’s intellectual property rights. Creating a unique symbol will help establish greater brand recognition while also avoiding potential legal issues down the line. Taking the proper steps now will make sure that no one else can claim ownership over your creative work and keep your business on track towards success!

What Is The Best Way To Ensure My Logo Is Unique And Recognizable?

Creating a unique and recognizable logo is essential for any business or organization to stand out in today’s competitive market. After all, your logo is the first impression that potential customers have of you and your brand. To ensure that your logo stands out from other brands and catches the eye of viewers, it’s important to consider how you design, create and customize it.

Designing a memorable logo requires a creative process that starts with understanding what makes a good logo – one that will be distinctive yet simple enough for people to recognize and remember easily. Start by considering colors, fonts, shapes, and symbols when designing your logo so that it looks professional and aesthetically pleasing. Additionally, use symbolism within the design to express the meaning behind your company or product — this can help differentiate your brand from competitors while also creating an emotional connection between you and your target audience.

Customization is key when creating something as personal as a logo; make sure you take time throughout the process to tweak small details like font size or color saturation until everything feels just right! Furthermore, don’t forget about copyright considerations – research existing logos thoroughly so you don’t accidentally infringe on someone else’s work. With these tips in mind, anyone can effectively develop their own unique and recognizable logo.

When it comes to designing a logo for your business, one of the most important questions you need to ask is: how much should I expect to pay for a logo? You may be surprised at just how expensive logo design costs can be. But don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to keep logo pricing down while still creating something that looks great and stands out from the competition.

The cost of a logo will depend largely on who you hire to do the work. Freelance designers or small agencies tend to charge less than larger firms, so if your budget is tight then these could be good options. However, bear in mind that quality isn’t necessarily related to price; sometimes paying more means getting better results overall. It’s worth doing some research into potential designers before committing to anyone.

You might also want to consider DIYing your own logo. There are lots of tools available online which make it easy for even beginners to create professional-looking designs quickly and cheaply. This can be an effective way of keeping costs down without compromising on quality too much – but remember that no matter what route you take, having an eye-catching and unique logo is key when it comes to making sure your brand stands out from the crowd.

So whatever route you choose when it comes to designing your company’s new look, understanding the different factors at play with regards to logo cost is essential in ensuring that you get value for money while still achieving something truly special!


In conclusion, creating a logo is an important part of business branding. There are many considerations to be aware of when crafting a unique and recognizable logo for your company or organization. It’s essential to understand the legalities that come with copyright as well as what works best in terms of size and format. Additionally, it’s wise to have a general understanding of how much one should expect to pay for such services.

It goes without saying, there are certain elements that just don’t belong in logos. Avoiding cliches such as clipart and stock images can help ensure originality while keeping away from offensive imagery is also advised. Furthermore, staying away from lengthy text will make sure viewers quickly identify and remember your brand. Keeping these things in mind when constructing your logo will guarantee success!

All-in-all, designing an effective logo requires thoughtfulness and planning if you want yours to stand out among competitors’. Being mindful of copyright restrictions and avoiding common pitfalls can go a long way towards achieving this goal – so take care when developing yours!

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